


Giordano, K., Lauer, N., Leusch, V., Kreiter, D. & Corsten, S. (under review). Tablet-based biography work in long-term care homes to support quality of life and prevent depression. Educational Gerontology

Leusch, V., Corsten, S., Giordano, K., Kreiter, D. & Lauer, N. (under review). Narrative identity through virtual life journeys with residents and older volunteers. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults

Leusch, V., Corsten, S., Giordano, K., Kreiter, D. & Lauer, N. (2023). Tablet-gestützte Biographiearbeit in Senioreneinrichtungen. Sammelband der OTH Regensburg.


Leusch, V., Corsten, S., Giordano, K., Kreiter, D. & Lauer, N. (2022). App erleichtert Gespräche über das Leben. Altenpflege Aktivieren, 8(5), 32-35. Download
© Vincentz Network, Hannover. Published in Altenpflege Aktivieren 05/22.
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Knieriemen, M., Lauer, N., Giordano, K., Kreiter, D., Leusch, V. & Corsten, S. (2022). In den Austausch kommen. Pflegezeitschrift75(10), 58-63. Link to Springer article


Lauer, N., Giordano, K., Kreiter, D., Leusch, V. & Corsten, S. (2021). [„Make an App“. Quality assurance of digital developments using the example of the app BaSeTaLK]. Forum Logopädie, 35(3), 20–27. [Article in German] Download


Corsten, S. & Lauer, N. (2020). Biography work in in long-term residential aged care with tablet support to improve the quality of life and communication – study protocol for app development and evaluation. International Journal of Health Professions, 7(1), 13–23. Download

Leusch, V. (2020). [A research project on technology-supported biography work]. Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Spektrum, (2), 31. [Article in German] Download


Menn, L., Corsten, S., Lauer, N. & Wallace, S. J. (2019). The Effectiveness of Biographical Approaches in Long-Term Care: A Systematic Review. The Gerontologist, 60(4), e309-e328. Download


Lauer, N., Giordano, K., Kreiter, D., Leusch, V., Plath, A. & Corsten, S. (2020). [Biography work in senior facilities with tablet support to improve quality of life and communication]. Poster in the context of the lecturers' conference of the Faculty of Applied Social and Health Sciences OTH Regensburg. [Poster in German] Download


Giordano, K., Lauer, N., Leusch, V., Kreiter, D. & Corsten, S. (2022). Biographic conversations about life with elderly - Effects on communication and quality of life. ESLA Congress. 28.05.2022

Corsten, S., Leusch, V., Kreiter, D., Giordano, K. & Lauer, N. (2021). [Tablet-supported biography work with residents of senior citizen facilities during the pandemic]. AG BFN - Digitalisierung in den Gesundheitsberufen. 28.-29.10.2021. [Lecture in German] Download

Leusch, V., Corsten, S., Giordano, K., Kreiter, D. & Lauer, N. (2020). [Digital inclusion - participatory research with senior citizens in a nursing home]. TRIOKON. [Lecture in German] Download

Press Releases

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg. (2022). [Will BaSeTaLK win the Digital Health Award 2022?]  Verfügbar unter [Article in German] Read more

[App enriches everyday nursing home life]. (2021). Mittelbayerische Zeitung. 20.12.2021. Verfügbar unter [Article in German] Read more

Weiffen, A. (2021). [Technology supports stimulating conversations]. Glaube und Leben, (11), 9. [Article in German] Download

Katholische Hochschule Mainz. (2021). [An app for more participation]. Verfügbar unter: [Article in German] Read more

Katholische Hochschule Mainz. (2019). [Telling about life - increasing well-being]. Verfügbar unter: [Article in German] Read more

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