
Project management Dr. Sabine Corsten

Prof. Dr. Sabine Corsten

Project management and coordination BaSeTaLK

Catholic University of Applied Sciences Mainz

Department of Health Care and Nursing
Saarstr. 3
55122 Mainz

phone: +49 6131-289 44 540
fax: +49 6131-289 44 8 540
e-mail: Dr. Norina Lauer

Prof. Dr. Norina Lauer

Project management BaSeTaLK
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology (RCHST)
OTH Regensburg

Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
Seybothstr. 2
93053 Regensburg

phone: +49 941 943-1087
fax: +49 941 943-1468

Scientific and technical staff

Vera Leusch

Vera Leusch

Research assistant
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology (RCHST)
OTH Regensburg

Katharina Giordano

Katharina Giordano

Research assistant
Catholic University of Applied Sciences

Almut Plath

Almut Path

Research assistant
Catholic University of Applied Sciences

Daniel Kreiter

Daniel Kreiter

Research assistant
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology (RCHST)
OTH Regensburg

Student assistants

Anna Bayrhof, Cäcilia Danner, Pia Enzner, Jana Heidemann, Johanna Koppers, Michael Lazik, Fabio Scheuermeyer, Carla Tiemann

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