
Usage-centric agile app development process


Figure 1: Usage-centric agile app development process


For BaSeTaLK, a specially programmed app is used, which is the product of a user-centered agile app development process in the first year of the project. To launch BaSeTaLK in October 2019, the team collects ideas in a design thinking workshop offered by TRIO (Transfer und Innovation Ostbayern) at the TechBase Regensburg. Together with the app dummy developed in the project, the foundation of the project, the scientific and technical staff goes to the nursing home in Regensburg, where so-called focus groups are held in the first half of 2020 (see Fig. 1). In the interest of participatory research, potential users, two volunteers and two residents, are involved in the development of the app. The app is then programmed by the technical statt of the project. It will be published as open source software to give companies and developers the opportunity to further develop the app privately or commercially.

Interventions with the 'BaSeTaLK-App'

In the weekly intervention groups, which took place from February 2021 onwards, residents of nursing homes made virtual trips with volunteers to places such as the forest, garden, museum or theatre. By visiting a place, they went to three different locations of the place and found stored impulses there. These impulses, in the form of e.g. photos, videos and resource-oriented questions, are intended to stimulate a conversation among themselves and invite them to life story oriented discussions.

Figure 2 shows an example of a screenshot from the app prototype for the destination 'garden'. The right button (speech bubble) can be used to display questions relating to the past, present or future. Initially, the questions can have a direct reference to the topic (here 'garden'): "How much time did you invest in the maintenance of your garden/balcony?" In addition, the questions also detach themselves from the direct reference to the location, as illustrated in Figure 2. A thematic transfer from projects using the example of the garden to projects in life takes place: "Which projects in your life have required regular attention?" A further question is: "To what extent do experiences from projects still help you today?"



Figure 2: Exemplary interface from the app prototype for the garden (Sample question: What projects in your life have required regular attention?)

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